Group Honor

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    Notes on the major events of groupdevelopment:

    In 2009, it was awarded the "May DayLabor Award in Jiangxi Province" by the Jiangxi Federation of Tradeunions.

    In 2009, it was awarded``60 OutstandingGansu Merchants''by Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce .

    In 2009, it was awarded "Advancednon-public Enterprises" by Jiangxi Provincial people's Government.

    In 2011, it was awarded "helping thedisabled and caring Enterprises" by the Jiangxi Provincial people'sGovernment.

    In 2012, it was awarded "NationalRegional large-scale Recycling Base" by the Ministry of Commerce of China.

    In 2012 and 2014, it was awarded the"A-level taxpayer" by the Internal Revenue Service of JiangxiProvince and the Local Tax Bureau.

    in 2012, it was awarded "excellentEnterprises in Jiangxi Province" by Jiangxi Federation of Industry andCommerce.

    In 2013, it was granted the "advancedparty organization" by the organizing committee of the non-publicnon-public Jiangxi Province.

    In 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, it was awardedthe "Top 100 Private Enterprises in 2013" by Jiangxi Federation ofIndustry and Commerce.

    In 2014, it was awarded "harmoniousLabor Relations Enterprise in Jiangxi Province" by Jiangxi ProvincialDepartment of Human Resources and Social Security.

    In 2014, it was granted the "ThePublic Announcement Unit of the Credit AAA in Jiangxi Province" by theIndustrial and Commercial Bureau of Jiangxi.

    In 2014, it was awarded "Bao Tai'trademark is a famous trademark in Jiangxi Province by Jiangxi ProvincialBureau of Industry and Commerce.

    In 2015, it was awarded "excellent builder of socialist cause withChinese characteristics" by Jiangxi Provincial people's Government.

    In 2015, it was awarded "Advanced Unitfor Standardization Construction of Grass-roots Trade unions" by YingtanCity Federation of Trade unions.

    In 2016, won the title of "National High-techEnterprise" .

    In 2017, it was included in the"Access enterprise of scrap iron and steel processing industry" bythe Ministry of Industry and Information.

    In 2017, it was awarded "JiangxiIndustrial excellent and strong Enterprises" by Jiangxi Provincialpeople's Government.

    In 2017, it was awarded "the title ofJiangxi famous Brand products" by Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of quality andTechnical Supervision.

    In 2017, it was awarded "keeping thecontract and paying heavy credit" by Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervisionand Administration Bureau.

    In 2018, it was awarded "ModelWorkers' House" by Jiangxi Federation of Trade unions in 2018.

    In 2019, he was awarded "Yingtan economic figure for the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up" by Yingtan Federation of industry and commerce.

    In July 2020, he won the honor of vice president of the 8th Council of Shanghai Aluminum Industry Association.

    In 2020, it will be awarded the title of "top 100 private enterprises" by Jiangxi Federation of industry and commerce;

    in 2020, it will be awarded the title of "fraternity unit" by Jiangxi Copper Industry Association;

    in 2020, it will be awarded the title of "single champion cultivation enterprise of Jiangxi manufacturing industry" by Jiangxi Provincial Department of industry and information technology; in 2020, it will be awarded the title of "Jiangxi famous brand product" by Jiangxi Famous Brand Strategy Promotion Association;

    in 2020, it will be awarded the title of "Jiangxi famous brand product" by China Renewable Resources Recycling Association "Top 20 enterprises" will be awarded "excellent enterprise" by Yingtan Enterprise Federation

    in 2020 and "annual contribution award" by Yingtan Municipal People's Government in 2020

    The honors of Chairman Peng Baotai:

    In 2005, he was awarded "YouthEntrepreneurs Associationby" the Communist Youth League Yingtan MunicipalCommittee and the Municipal.

    In 2006, he was awarded the title ofexcellent builder of socialism with Chinese characteristics by the United Frontwork Department of Yingtan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of Chinaand the Federation of Industry and Commerce of Yingtan City (General Chamber ofCommerce).

    In 2006, he was appraised the top 10entrepreneurial stars by Yingtan City Federation of Trade unions and thepropaganda Department of the Yingtan Municipal Committee of the Communist Partyof China.

    In 2006, he was named as an advanced individual in resource conservationin the province by Jiangxi Provincial People's Government.

    In 2006, he was named as an excellent Communist member by the CPCYingtan Municipal Committee.

    In 2007, he was elected Executive member ofthe Fifth Executive Committee by Yingtan City Federation of Industry andCommerce (General Chamber of Commerce).

    In 2007, he was elected Executive member ofthe Ninth Executive Committee by the Jiangxi Federation of Industry andCommerce (General Chamber of Commerce).

    In 2007, he was appraised as an excellentindividual by Jiangxi Provincial leading Group for Competition activities andthe Provincial Federation of Trade unions.

    In 2007, he was appraised the top tenpioneers of entrepreneurship in Jiangxi Province by the propaganda Departmentof the Jiangxi Provincial CPC Committee, the Provincial Civilization Office,the Provincial Radio and Television Bureau and the Jiangxi Daily News Agency .

    In 2008, he was named City EntrepreneurshipPioneering by Yingtan Municipal Publicity Department, Municipal Directly OrganWorking Committee, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, MunicipalAdministrative Service Center Management Committee, Gongqing League MunicipalCommittee.

    In 2008, he was awarded Advanced individual who helps and supports thedisabled by the Committee of the People's Government ofJiangxi Province.

    In 2010, he was awarded OutstandingEntrepreneur by Jiangxi Provincial people's Government.

    In 2011, he was awarded excellent Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship byJiangxi Enterprise Federation and Jiangxi entrepreneurs Association.

    In 2011, he was awarded "excellentCommunist Party member in the whole city" by the Yingtan MunicipalCommittee of the Communist Party of China.

    In 2014, he was awarded the top ten charactersof Yujiang by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party Committee ofYujiang County .

    In 2014, he was awarded``the most beautifulperson in the recycled metal industry'' by China Nonferrous Metals IndustryAssociation.

    In 2015, he was awarded ''Yingtan Economic Year People'' by YingtanIndustrial and Information Commission.

    In 2017, he was awarded "the advancedindividual who cares for the next generation of work in the whole city" byYingtan City Care next Generation Organizing Committee.

    In 2017, he was awarded "OutstandingEntrepreneur of the year" by Yingtan City Enterprise Federation.

    In 2018, it was awarded 50 excellentbusiness figures in 40 years of reform and opening up by Jiangxi ProvincialFederation of Industry and Commerce.

    In 2019, he was awarded "Yingtan economic figure for the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up" by Yingtan Federation of industry and commerce.

    In July 2020, he won the honor of vice president of the 8th Council of Shanghai Aluminum Industry Association.

    In December 2020, he was awarded the title of "excellent entrepreneur" by Jiangxi Copper Industry Association.
