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    Baotai Group won the top 2018 private enterprises in Jiangxi Province

    Time:2018-11-27 08:55:21 Source:江西保太集團-江西保太有色金屬集團有限公司 View Rate:2546

    Summary:At 14:30 on November 26, 2018, the 2018 Global Gan Shang High quality Development Forum and the top 100 private enterprises‘s conference in Jiangxi were held at the Qianhu Yingbin Hotel in Nanchang.

      At 14:30 on November 26, 2018, the 2018 Global GanShang High quality Development Forum and the top 100 private enterprises‘sconference in Jiangxi were held at the Qianhu Yingbin Hotel in Nanchang, andreleased the list of the top 100 private enterprises in Jiangxi and the top 100manufacturing enterprises in Jiangxi at the meeting. Jiangxi Baotai Group wonthe top 2018 of Jiangxi private enterprises and the top 100 of Jiangxi privateenterprise manufacturing industry. Chairman Peng Baotai attended the meeting,and Vice Governor Sun Jusheng presented the award to him.

    Picture 1 Top 100 press conference of privateenterprise in Jiangxi

    Picture 2 Awarding ceremony

      Baotai Group has been focusing on the main business,steady management, adhere to the spirit of craftsmen, strive for excellence,build brands, achieve good results, in order to become the top 100 enterprisesin Jiangxi Province.The continuous transformation and upgrading is thesource of the development of Baotai Group.At present, the production workshop of the company isintelligently modified, the network management platform of the enterpriseintelligent workshop is established, the PLC control system of the existingequipment is fully opened, the whole process of the digital workshop isrealized on-line monitoring, and the digital and intelligent level of theworkshop is improved.Through the new demonstration application of digitalproduction workshop, promoted the transformation from "artificialmanufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing", and the technicallevel and management level are greatly improved.


    Picture 3 Certificate of Jiangxi PrivateEnterprises

      The honor of every time has become thepast, and the Baotai Group regards every honor as a new starting point,constantly innovate, make the enterprise strong and excellent, and make agreater contribution to the economic development of Jiangxi!

    Picture 4 Certificate of Manufacturing Industry of Jiangxi PrivateEnterprises
