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    Why do the recycled metal industry upstream and downstream industries

    Time:2022-05-05 10:20:00 Source:江西保太集團-江西保太有色金屬集團有限公司 View Rate:5284

    Summary:There are more than 60,000 page views account receive a day on Baotai group's official website and wechat, and the number continues to increase every day. Why do more than 60,000 people pay attention to "Baotai price" every day?

    There are more than 60,000 page views account receive a day on Baotai group's official website and wechat, and the number continues to increase every day. Why do more than 60,000 people pay attention to "Baotai price" every day? It all started 30 years ago.

    First, the origin of the quotation.

    Peng Baotai, the founder of Jiangxi Baotai Group, opened a scrap yard in 1991. Due to the variety of waste products, in order to facilitate customers to understand the price, and also to reduce the workload of the consignee, we hang a whiteboard on the wall, write the names of dozens of waste products on the whiteboard with a whiteboard pen, and modify the price according to the rise and fall of the market, so that customers can understand the price of each waste product. This is the earliest form of quotation. At that time, there were few out-of-town customers, most of them were local customers, and this pricing model was very effective.

    At that time, the main acquisition of waste plastic, waste iron, waste rubber three categories;  Nonferrous metals are scarce. At that time, the purchase price of waste brass is 1.2 yuan per city catty, waste copper is 1.6 yuan per city catty. In the beginning, nonferrous metals were sold in Fengcheng city of Jiangxi Province. Later, the quantity gradually increased. In order to make more money, nonferrous metals were sold in other provinces.

    Later, Peng Baotai saw the "London Futures Exchange metal price" in a corner of the Information Daily, which can also be used to judge the price trend. Although the price on the newspaper has a lag, has been 3 ~ 4 days late, but how much can still touch a little edge, feel a little more secure, bargaining with customers also have a basis. It is like a blind man touching an elephant. Although he cannot see the whole picture of the elephant clearly, he knows that the legs of the elephant are like pillars and the body is like a wall.

    Peng Baotai cut "The London Metal Price" out of the newspaper and held it in chronological order with a clip.  Just by comparing prices in chronological order, you can see the ups and downs of the London metal market.

    In 1997, Peng Baotai learned from information Daily that there had been a computer. One inquire, Yu Jiang county also can install a computer, but the person that installs a computer at that time is very few. At that time, the salary of civil servants was only a few hundred yuan a month, a computer was only a few thousand yuan, and the cost of installing a telephone line and a telephone in the post office was ten thousand yuan. Peng Baotai gnash teeth, or bought a computer, installed a telephone. The computer was like a little old television set, and it had dial-up Internet access, which was very slow. With the computer can understand the real time international and domestic metal market, this time can see clearly the whole picture of the "elephant".

    A lot of people still don't know what a computer is, Peng Baotai has learned wubi typing and pinyin typing, using the computer to understand the Internet market, check the news. This advanced mode of thinking, decided the future strategic direction, from the network on the road wider and wider, laid a good foundation for the future development.

    At this time, the network was not developed, and there were not many people using mobile phones. The rich used "mobile phones" as big as bricks.  What a friend of fengcheng uses is "big brother big", the number is "9" of the beginning.  In 1991, Peng Baotai borrowed 6000 yuan, three points of interest, opened the waste collection station.  Peng Baotai often pull goods for him, he has been a multimillionaire boss in the early 1990s, has become a local millionaire.  Peng Baotai saw him, not only look up to him, but also feel that he is simply around the "Li Ka-shing".  Peng Baotai thought to herself: "I don't know which monkey years can become millions of boss."  Later Peng Baotai soon realized his ideal, not only caught up with him, and far beyond him, let him be left in the dust.

    In 1995, Peng Baotai started using a MOTOROLA BB machine. When the BB receives a message, it goes to a phone booth to make a call.  Peng Baotai started using mobile phones in 1997. In 2002, the number of people using mobile phones began to increase, so Peng Baotai used mobile phones to send the purchase price to customers, so that customers can timely know the company's purchase price, which is the "upgraded version" of the quotation.

    老店2000年 (1).jpg

    Second, the construction and upgrade of the website.

    On July 12, 2005, website of Yingtan City Xingfa nonferrous metals CO. Ltd. opened (the predecessor of Baotai group), the official website of Baotai group opened on August 16, 2008.    Peng Baotai inputs customers' mobile phone numbers into a computer and starts to send group text messages with the computer to push the company's purchase price. There is no need to send the price with the phone any more. This is the "second upgraded version" of the quotation.

    With the continuous development and expansion of the company, there are more and more acquisition customers and sales customers, customers have more than 2000 people. Using a computer to send text messages, each message to 0.1 yuan, a day to spend more than 200 dollars, a year to spend more than seventy thousand dollars, this is also a not small expenditure.

    In 2013, Peng Baotai began Posting prices on his company's website, allowing customers to view them. Customers have made a big reversal from passively receiving the price to actively entering the company's website to see the price, which has saved the company a lot of money and increased a lot of potential customers. This is the "third upgrade" of the offer.

    The prices on the company's website are mostly free for customers, rather than making money on customer traffic, as dot-com companies do. Now the sales customers, supply customers add up to less than 10,000 people, and the company's page view of more than 60,000 people, what is the reason?   Because "Baotai price" released for ten years, has become the industry price vane, attracted a lot of upstream and downstream industries to see "Baotai price". Enterprises in related industries can purchase by benchmarking, reduce procurement costs, reduce procurement corruption, and also become the basis of sales pricing, reducing transaction costs.


    Third, "Baotai price" swept the country.

    General network companies rely on phone calls from people in the industry to understand the market, because each enterprise is different in scale, quality, brand, procurement and sales channels, and the region of the enterprise is different, so the price will be very different. The price that some network company signs up for still has point reference value, and the price gap that individual network company signs up for comes out is bigger, let a person be at a loss what to do instead, make a person confused.

    Baotai group's offer is based on the actual market demand and is the most down-to-earth. "Spring river warm duck prophet".  Baotai Group sells a lot of recycled metal products and acquires a lot of recycled metal varieties, so it has a high sensitivity to the market, so the quotation accuracy is high.

    The quotation of network company is reference price, and have corresponding price difference, have certain reference value. But "protect too valence" it is clinch a deal valence, do not have valence difference, offer is more accurate. You just deliver it to your door, and the company will buy it. You just place an order and the company will deliver the goods according to the price. The reference value of the Baotai group price is greater, so more people pay attention to the guarantee price.

    Futures have a rising discount, spot has a rising discount, Baotai price more rose discount, and the range of rising discount than futures and spot, so Baotai price more close to the market, pay attention to protect too price more people.

    The scale of Baotai Group is relatively large in the country and has a certain influence. The product quality is also first-class, forming a well-known brand. Research and development is also first class, constantly introducing new products. Production equipment is first-class, aluminum alloy ingot, phosphorus copper ball production equipment is not only first-class in China, in the world is first-class.  The procurement and sales network is huge and has nearly ten thousand customers. Numerous domestic quotation enterprises, the industry and upstream and downstream enterprises why the main choice of "Baotai price"? These comprehensive factors are the key to choose "Baotai price" as the reference object.

    A flower is not spring, colorful is spring. Baotai Group has many advanced aspects, industry associations and peers often come to visit and learn. Baotai Group is open and welcomes colleagues to visit and learn and make progress together with them.

    Some companies have a little advanced equipment, always hidden from people to see, even if it can be seen, it is not allowed to take photos, and even the phone camera with a label attached. In fact, this is a deception, self-deception. And with technology now so advanced, it's really easy to take a picture of the device. The core competitiveness of an enterprise is not hardware, but software, such as corporate culture, core technology, advanced management mode and so on. Hardware is easy to copy, software is hard to copy. Hardware is like the human body, software is like the human mind. Mao Zedong Thought is very advanced and has left many works that people all over the world want to learn, but few people can learn it thoroughly.

    What peers learn can save energy, reduce costs and make progress together. Resources belong to both enterprises and society. Saving resources is a contribution to society. Peng Baotai's selfless, broad mind, won the industry association and the majority of peers highly praised.

    "Baotai price" open and transparent, cheat neither the old nor the young, just like supermarket goods, no bargaining, not only to reduce transaction costs for the company, but also to win the trust of customers. "Baotai price" swept the whole country and became the price vane and compass of the recycled metal industry and the upstream and downstream industries, providing accurate price reference basis for the industry, reducing the transaction cost of the industry, preventing procurement corruption, and promoting the development of the industry.

